Credit report fraud and reporting errors happen when creditors provide incomplete, outdated or just plain false information about your account. These are often simple errors like an incorrect payment history or inaccurate account status. However, they can result from more complex, serious credit report fraud incidents including mixed credit reports, identity theft or other issues.
Let’s look at the different forms credit reporting errors can take. If you think any of these apply to you, contact us below for a free consultation.
Kelly Guzzo, PLC, has litigated many matters involving simple credit reporting errors. Here are some basic scenarios we’ve seen:
It is virtually impossible to obtain credit when this information is on your credit file.
You should correct any credit errors as quickly as possible because bad credit can deprive you of life opportunities, including a job and home.
Below are some more complex credit reporting errors.
Credit reporting agencies include public records data in their reports, including information regarding tax liens and civil judgments.
However, agencies aren’t always careful to note when tax liens or judgments have been satisfied, vacated, appealed or dismissed. Inaccurate reporting about the status of a tax lien or judgment can harm your credit.
If this information isn’t up to date on your credit report, it should be corrected immediately.
If you filed for bankruptcy and had debt discharged as a result, it should be noted correctly in your credit report.
Yes, bankruptcy can harm your credit score on its own. But when creditors fail to properly report debt as discharged, it hurts your ability to start restoring your credit score (and your financial reputation).
Don’t let an outdated debt citation keep you from financial recovery.
Identity theft can have severe consequences on your credit report. However, creditors and credit reporting agencies might refuse to remove fraudulent information.
Visit our identity theft page to learn how we help fight credit report fraud.
Credit reporting agencies might accidentally mix or merge the credit reports of two or more consumers who share similar personal information. These errors often involve relatives due to shared names, but they can happen between strangers too.
Visit our mixed credit reports page to learn more.
At Kelly Guzzo, we’ve successfully brought numerous claims under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) on behalf of consumers with inaccurate credit reports. Our attorneys will meet with you at no charge to discuss how to fix any of the above credit reporting errors and address any credit report fraud.
If you believe your consumer rights have been violated, don’t hesitate to reach out to Kelly Guzzo, PLC. Our consumer protection and credit lawyers are here to help.
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3925 Chain Bridge Road
Suite 202
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703-424-7570
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Suite 4100
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Phone: 310-526-3406
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Phone: 202-751-2050
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Phone: 808-664-4651