Category: Mortgage Servicing Abuse

Kristi Kelly Quoted in NPR’s Investigation of Zombie Second Mortgages

Kristi Kelly was interviewed on the Planet Money podcast as part of National Public Radio’s recent investigation into the increase in zombie second mortgages. Kelly Guzzo, PLC has helped numerous consumers battle against zombie second mortgages. Ms. Kelly also recently spoke at the National Consumer Law Center’s mortgage conference along


Kristi Kelly Speaks at Mortgage Conference

Kelly Guzzo partner Kristi Kelly was a featured speaker at a June mortgage training webinar hosted by the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC).  Kelly presented information about Fair Credit Reporting Act issues in mortgage cases. The webinar, which was attended by other consumer lawyers, was part of the NCLC’s 2020


Mortgage Foreclosure Legislation Stalls in General Assembly

On February 24, 2020, Kelly Guzzo attorney Kristi Kelly testified in opposition to a bill in the Virginia General Assembly that would result in increased wrongful foreclosures for Virginia homeowners.  Kelly’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, along with representatives from the Virginia Poverty Law Center and Housing Opportunities Made