In a recent article, NerdWallet covers how outdated information or information about someone else in your LexisNexis credit file can adversely affect your financial situation. Kristi Kelly of Kelly Guzzo, PLC was quoted on the wide range of consumer information stored by LexisNexis, including information that doesn’t match the consumer. This results in LexisNexis mistakenly reporting negative information about someone else in your credit file that can make it difficult for you to obtain insurance, employment, credit, or housing.
NerdWallet also quotes Kristi regarding a recent case “for a client whose car insurance premiums skyrocketed after LexisNexis placed accidents and claims belonging to four other people on her client’s report.” Kristi was able to help the client remove the inaccurate information from her LexisNexis file, as well as obtain a satisfactory settlement.
What is LexisNexis Risk Solutions?
LexisNexis Risk Solutions is a credit reporting agency. Many consumers have heard of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) but are unfamiliar with LexisNexis. Like the three major credit bureaus, LexisNexis collects and stores information about you that it then sells in credit reports. Sometimes this information includes errors that can negatively impact your access to credit, employment, housing, or in the case of Kristi’s client discussed above, insurance.
How do I know if there are errors in my LexisNexis Credit Report?
NerdWallet also reports on how to obtain a free copy of your credit report directly from LexisNexis. However, if an adverse decision has been made against you, you may have already obtained a copy of your credit report. If your credit report contains incorrect or incomplete information, please contact us, and one of our attorneys will meet with you at no charge to discuss the best way to fix the mistakes in your credit report.