Reported to Creditor as Deceased? Kelly Guzzo, PLC Continues to See High Volume of Credit Reports Inaccurately Notating Consumers as Deceased.

Reported to Creditor as Deceased? Kelly Guzzo, PLC Continues to See High Volume of Credit Reports Inaccurately Notating Consumers as Deceased.

Kelly Guzzo has recently filed another lawsuit related to the credit bureaus inaccurately reporting a consumer as deceased. In this case, our client applied for a store credit card only to learn that her credit reports included an erroneous deceased indicator. As a result of the inaccurate reporting, our client was denied the store credit card.

Although there have been hundreds of lawsuits related to deceased credit reporting, the credit reporting agencies continue to inaccurately label people as deceased—primarily for two reasons.

  • First, if you shared credit with someone who has recently died (i.e., a spouse or another close family member), either your creditor or the credit reporting agencies may confuse you with the person who died or flag the entire account.

  • Second, often times the credit reporting agencies will report you as deceased because you share similar personal identifying information to a person on the Social Security Administration’s Master Death File.

Either way, the result will be the same—a death notice flags the report and you will be denied credit.

If you have been inaccurately labeled as deceased, the lawyers at Kelly Guzzo, PLC can assist you with removing the deceased notation from your credit reports. We can also assist you with filing a claim against the credit bureaus to compensate you for the damages you suffered as a result of the deceased reporting. There is no out-of-pocket cost for these services, and we only recover if you do.

Please contact us if you have been wrongfully reported as deceased.